$50.00 BOX LOTS - All sales are final - No exceptions!
BOX LOTS - All sales are final - No exceptions!
Box Lots sold for the reseller. great for Swap Meets and Flea market sellers, also people that sell and run Yard-sales on the weekends and want to make extra money...
By buying a, Box Lot, from us, you are electronically stating that you have read and that you understood every statement made here on this Collections page entitled: $50.00 BOX LOTS - All sales are final - No exceptions!
BOX LOTS - All sales are final - No exceptions!
Items are being sold in random lots, AS-IS, items are untested!
Box lots are sold by number, Videos of contents might be listed by number on our Facebook business page, https://www.facebook.com/discountdougs/
Items bought for placing in these box lots or are odds and ends from our over 40 plus years of selling online, so if you see something you want you may want to buy that, Box Lot Number, as that item in that box may never be placed in another box again.
No returns, No refunds, No exchanges!
Thanks very much ...and please let others know how your box was and how much profit you made on it and how glad to buy you were, under the box lot number on our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/discountdougs/
Have an amazing day!
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